Connecto is the name of the innovative line of entry door station art. TD1000CN for IP EVO technology.
The external unit allows you to communicate - through the new dedicated IP EVO app - with smartphones or with the most common digital voice assistants or with dedicated IP videointercoms.
Maximum audio and video quality, high level of IT, absolute flexibility, guaranteed connection: these are the strengths of the TD1000CN series Connecto entry door station.
The plate is heavy and it is designed with an "industrial flavour", to guarantee security and stability, has the following characteristics:
- 316L stainless steel
- 5 megapixel camera integrate
- multilanguage voice prompt that can be activated and managed via Bluetooth
- 6 Torx security screws with central pin
- recessed mounting
- ready for the assembly of the RFID module.
Through the app, the installer or condominium administrator can remotely make changes to the directory of names, access PINs as well as other configurations. From the point of view of the end user, the app has been designed for an immediate and pleasant user experience: IP EVO allows you to control your home in total security and autonomy, at any time and from any geography, manage accesses as well as call history with picture memory.
To go to the new IP EVO brochure, click here
To go to the product sheet art. TD1000CN, click here
To go to the product sheet art. SE4000, click here
To go to the IP EVO technology, click here
To go to the tutorial "for the installer/How to create a new IP installation", click here
To go to the tutorial "how to create a new IP EVO user/for the installer", click here